Join the project-based competitions and get a scholarship for September or November 2022 Master’s Programmes. Each scholarship covers up to 9.000 € of the total tuition fee and it is applicable to both the Academic Master’s and the Double Award Master’s.
The works developed by candidates to the Master’s in Fashion Design and Fashion Styling & Visual Merchandising will be evaluated by 10 Corso Como, the brief requires to design a retail project starting from the visual and historical context of the concept store; to those willing to enrol in the Master’s in Fashion Management and Luxury Brand Management, Slowear asks to identify new markets where the brand retail can meet the local needs.
Candidates interested in the Master’s in Business Design and Visual Brand Design will work on a brief developed together with AKQA on sustainability themes; projects sent by candidates to the Master’s in Interior & Living Design and Urban Vision & Architectural Design will be evaluated by Lissoni & Partners. The Master’s in Service Design and Interaction Design announcement focuses on innovative and technological solutions for Technogym, whereas the Master’s in Product Design will involve Magis to design a furniture project for different uses possibilities.
Don’t miss this chance and apply within March 25th 2022!