
The Master in Contemporary Art Markets is an intensive study path directed at providing students with effective tools to interpret art market structures and dynamics, with particular focus on contemporary artistic languages. It provides students with the opportunity to come into direct contact with established industry professionals and to collaborate with international acclaimed art galleries, auction houses, art fairs, institutions, collections and art centres.

The educational path comprises two cycles: the first is dedicated to classroom activities and thematic workshops allowing students to apply notions learnt. Visits to galleries, fairs, foundations and museums are also part of the programme. The second cycle focuses on internships, enabling students to experience different market areas first-hand. During this cycle, students also prepare their final projects and attend a three-day study trip to Basel in June during the ArtBasel art fair, the sector’s most important annual event.

Career Opportunities:

The Master in Contemporary Art Markets aims to train professionals capable of fulfilling a wide range of roles in the modern and contemporary art sector:

  • project managers for galleries, museums and foundations
  • specialists and administrators at auction houses
  • art advisors
  • art dealers
  • private and corporate collections curators
  • managers of artists foundations and archives
  • communication managers and journalists
  • consultants for legal and financial art services


* Image Credits: Visita alla Bienale di Venezia. Emmanuelle Randazzo.